Monday, May 10, 2010

Monday Morning - Why buying a $24.95 Key Finder is a no-Brainer.

Mondays are always a big day for FOFA®, our 2-Way wireless peer-to-peer key finder system. Find One Find All®could have saved this Monday morning if you had one. When you need to leave and a vital bit of your techno arsenal is missing or you just cannot find the silly keys, your morning attitude is shot. Let's examine the problem and the time and money involved.

Keys used to be worth about $10 to have remade. Try that today, some of the "Smartkeys" will set you back hundreds of dollars.

Your wallet has credit cards in it - what is your identity worth? Your purse is the same. Enough said.

Glasses cost hundreds. You cannot see without them.

Your cell phone is expensive to replace, unless you have paid for insurance, which is expensive. You cell phone has lots of thing on it that you might not want on Youtube. They tell you to turn it off everywhere you go - ever remember ANYONE after a show telling you to TURN IT BACK ON?

The Time Affected by the Loss of every item above is in Days.

  FOFAs cost just $24.95
  It take 2-3 days to get them.
  They work.
  All decisions should be this hard.

 Introducing our Patented Find One Find All®  Key Finders, or FOFA® (foh-fah)  for short.  Once a FOFA Key Finder is attached to your  keys and other easy-to-lose things, it can  find and be found by all the rest! 

Use your wallet to find your keys, your keys to find  the remote control, or any of them to find an uncharged or muted cell phone.

 So how does FOFA work?
   Which one is the "Base"?
Unlike other key finders, every FOFA is the "Base" also! How?  Each has a built-in transmitter which can signal any of the others, up to 30 feet away! Now you can find lost things even when away from home.
The Batteries (Included!) last a year of average use
and are available everywhere.
   End the Stress of Losing Things - Now!     Get yours while supplies last!


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